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Growlanser VI

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Price: $65.00
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Item Number: SLPM-66716
Publisher: Atlus
Jan/UPC Code: 4984995900308
NCS Product Synopsis
Update: June 22, 2007
«©NCSX» The continent of Esgrenz is broken up into separate principalities which keep an uneasy peace. When civil conflict flares up against the royal family in the kingdom of Hingstan, the powers that be at Fomeros send troops into Hingstan while a company known as Monopolis conspires to profit from the impending war at hand. To add more intrigue to the mix, a rebel force works undercover with the goal of usurping the power of the ruling Hingstan family.

Against this backdrop, a 21-year old hero named Merklich and his friend Wendy endeavor to find answers, offer solutions, and perhaps discover the mysteries behind the Hidden Continent. Although Merklich suffers from amnesia as a result of a near fatal accident, he nevertheless knows how to fire off magic spells and slash a sword like a champ. Merklich and Wendy are agents of the Monopolis company but when they encounter members of the rebel army, Merklich begins to question the goals and intentions of his employer.

Growlanser VI features 3D roaming game play and nearly 20 minutes of cut-scene animation which enhances the storytelling as the adventure unfurls. Atlus calls the battle system, "Seamless Mission Clear" where encounters are fought directly on the over world without any visible transitions from exploring the world to hacking away at a monster.

Jan Code: 4984995900308
NCS Game Notes
» In the introduction to the game, assorted heroes as drawn by Satoshi Urushihara appear in quick cut sequences as follows: Anita, Iristelessa, Rukias, Wendy, and Hofman. Next, a sandy haired gal named Anita stares out a window at a planetary body in the night sky followed by interaction sequences between characters. There's some eye twitching action animation, group shots, and a temple of sorts rises out of the water before the logo appears.

» Two options appear on the title screen

START - Begin a new adventure
LOAD - Resume an adventure from memory card

A GALLERY option is unlocked after meeting certain conditions.

» If you leave the title screen alone, another sequence accompanied by voice dialogue plays which introduces the world of Growlanser VI and the characters within. The cast is as follows:

Iristelessa / Violet-haired warrior woman
Rukias / Red-haired woman
Wendy / Pink-haired gal who's Merklich's partner in crime
Hofman / Red-haired guy
Neilis / Another pink-haired gal
Brandole / An old guy with light purple hair
Shayer / Green-haired woman with glasses
Shuweizer / Male witch with orange hair and black costume
Anita / Sandy-haired girl
Zeonsilt / Pointy nosed blonde haired warrior with red eyes
Corin / Fairy girl
Yurry / Minmei look-alike with big yellow bow on back of hair
Merklich / Silver-maned main hero who's decked out in white Versace

» Start a new game and the world is dark while faint piano music plays in the background and a woman's voice introduces the background story of the game. Light appears and a woman comes into view with one red eye and one yellow eye. She's wearing a jeweled necklace across her forehead and a green string of beads across her costumed neck. Below that is a string of pearls. Her uniform is white and grey colored. Next, an image of Merklich appears - you can elect to change his name if you wish in katakana, hiragana, or English. We just translated the kana for "Merklich" into English. After a short speech by the woman from earlier, the world opens up with Merklich seated in an outside building with columns surrounding it.

» The controls are as follows:

D-pad................Walking movement
L-Analog...........Running movement
Triangle............Status Screen
Square..............View Inventory
Circle................Action button
Cross................Push down while walking to run

» A radar on the upper-left portion of the screen keeps track of people in the form of green dots. Two kids are walking around actively in the same area that Merklich is standing. There's a guard towards the back that you can speak to. Head downwards and enter the squat building and read the pamphlet marked by the shining star in the back of the room which explains some controller trigger functions. If you walk to the right of the room and partially enter the doorway there, press the O button to obtain a pearl-like object.

» After exiting the building, a guard runs up and the music picks up tempo. There's some emergency afoot but you can continue on your way. Walk to the left and you'll enter a new area where a green worm-like creature is wriggling on the ground. It's marked with a red dot on the Radar which designates it as an enemy. To fight, run up to it and press the "O" button to swing your sword. A good amount of text precedes your attack and appears during the attack which explains the ways and means of fighting. The battle takes place on the over world screen and doesn't shift into a new encounter screen. After defeating the green creature, you'll receive a key as the spoils of combat. If you walk northwards, you'll come to a gate and a compound but it's locked and not ready for you yet.

» Back in town, you can play-fight with a soldier there who teaches you about guarding against blows. If you look below him, you'll see a scarecrow in the field wearing a straw hat and blue smock. Enter the door directly above the guard and you'll enter a new area in town which has been wrecked by three hulking creatures with fins on their backs. They look like serpents with cobra hoods and clawed left appendages for attacking and club-like right appendages.

» Instead of facing them head-on, Merklich can stand in place and cast spells to dispatch the creatures. Use the flame spell (first selection) to send all three beasts on their way. After killing the second creature, Merklich levels up.

» The Goddess from earlier gives a short speech and you're prompted to save your progress to memory card. Each card can hold 20 save slots and every slot lists Merklich's level, HP, and MP at the time of the save along with the date and time stamp.

» The next sequence begins with black space, a beeping sound in the background, and a conversation between two men. A logo of two phoenix creatures facing each other appears and Merklich is later seen sleeping in full uniform on a bed with blue sheets in a spartan room. He's in an infirmary and he'll lie there for as long as you let him. Press the "O" button to get him up and the doctor visits him immediately. After their conversation, Merklich shakes his hand and thanks him. You can visit a patient named Wendy who's in the opposite room or you can leave by running towards to west and then south. Outside, it's snowing. You can visit a base by walking a few steps to the northwest and opening the hangar door. Someone will request the help of guard inside so he'll leave his post. Walk into the room that he was guarding, save your progress at the terminal, and then head towards the right to speak to Anita who has been imprisoned. She is surprised that someone has come to visit her. After the first conversation, talk to her again and Merklich will hand her a pass through the door.

» When you leave the room, you'll be greeted by the pink-haired girl who was in the infirmary with you. Her name is Wendy with two golden wings that protrude from the back of her head and pink shoulder pad armor, a tight corset and a poofy white dress. After speaking to Wendy, head back into the room where Anita has been imprisoned and three soldiers will enter from the opposite side of the installation with swords drawn. They suspect treachery and go on the attack against Merklich and Wendy. You'll be able to kill one of the soldiers but the other two invariably run away to call for reinforcements. Wendy sabotages the machine in the room and causes an explosion. In the next scene, they're standing near the entrance again and Shuweizer enters the room to lead them away out the door but in the next instance, there's a blink and Merklich and Wendy are in the room again in front of the massive contraption. They've been teleported back in time and they get to fight the three soldiers again. Kill all three of them and the mission is complete. Merklich levels up again at the completion of the level.

» After the battle, Shuweizer appears and enters the room where Anita is being held. Goddess makes an appearance in full jeweled armor and a map of the world appears which three distinct land masses are close to each other.

» In the next scene, Merklich is with soldiers from Monopolis and they don't suspect anything has happened. Head into the heart of the compound and go to the main HQ building with the elevator inside. Select 10F and rendezvous with Wendy who is already there. Shuweizer opens a door and the three go in to meet with a green-haired gal named Shayer. She hands something to the party. Afterwards, head on down to the 8F and join Wendy who is already there. She runs away when you greet her. If you go to the terminal where she was hovering, you'll be able to view a map of the continent and background information on each kingdom.

» The word "merklich" translates into "considerably" or "substantially" in German.

» Many types of gemstones may be purchased in shops which grant special abilities. Gems may also be synthesized into stronger forms.

» Satoshi Urushihara is once again the artist who designed the characters in the game.

Region Lock-out
Please note Japanese Playstation 2 games will not boot on USA or European PS2 consoles due to the inherent region-lockout on Playstation 2 game discs.

This document is ©NCSX 2007. All rights reserved. No reproduction in whole or in part of this document may be made without express written consent of National Console Support, Inc.

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